Digital Training & Capacity

Capacity building is fundamental to our approach. We build training solutions that balance personalized instruction and outreach with scalable structures to fit your needs and broaden your impact. We can design unique courses to fit your context while building on our deep expertise and history of successfully crafting these kinds of programs.


Organization Capacity Assessment

Any capacity building work we do starts first with a comprehensive audit of your grantee’s current status and individual needs for improvement in order to support your policy agenda. This serves as a basis to create capacity building solutions that fit your campaign needs.

Digital Curriculum Development and Implementation

We create curricula that meet grantees where they are at any level, and provide personalized touches to help them improve and learn. We have several established courses that can be adapted to your needs, or we can create a new course from scratch.

Structured Hands-on Skills Development

Our trademark Accelerator program provides hand-on assistance and dedicated funding to build trainee capacity to run strategic, cost-effective ads with quality content.

Online Learning Platform Development

Trainings are only effective in so much as they are completed. So, we will work with you to build and implement an online learning system, where trainees can easily access resources and complete assignments. For large-scale training, we also sync on-platform learning with access to an instructor on Slack, for real-time interaction and learning.

Resource Hub Creation and Management

A microsite resource center can act as a home base for grantees connecting them to resources. The site will include both high-level messaging and strategy documents as well as example digital content and images, videos, and data that grantees can use in their content.